hi welcome to Tiny teaching tube todaylet’s learn all about our little friendcalled a period or a full stop[Music]have you seen a little circle or a DOTat the end of a sentenceit’s called a full stop or a periodso what’s the difference between a fullstop and a periodwell they’re pretty much the same thingit just really depends on where you usethe wordin the countries where British Englishis used like England Ireland ScotlandAustralia and New Zealand you say fullstopin America and Canada we often use theword period[Music]so when do we use itin a declarative sentence it’s alsocalled a statement a telling sentencewe use a period or a full stop to showthat the declarative sentence or astatement has ended we have expressed acomplete thought the sentence hasfinishedlet’s make a few statements about thispicturethree children are playing togetherthere is one boy and two girlsthey’re playing with colorful ballsdo you see that all of these are tellingsentences and there is a period or afull stop at the end of each sentencelet’s look at another picture can youmake a few statements about this pictureI’ll go first the dad is pushing astrolleryour turn[Music]good job you also use a period at theend of a command a command is a sentencethat tells someone what to do and itcould even be just one word[Music]stopgo away pleaseopen the doorgo straight and take a rightif you say these as if you are shoutingyou’ll use an exclamation mark at theend not a period like stopbut we won’t get into that in this videoyou can check that out in the next videonow can you make a command a sentencethat needs a periodwhat would you tell a dog to doI’d say something likevegetableroll overwhat would you tell a dog to dogood job you did an amazing stayingtuned and learning all about how to usethe period correctly he also learnedthat in some countries we say period andothers we say full stopif you enjoyed this video please do me afavor and like And subscribe so I cancontinue to make more of these videos ifyou want more practice check out thelinks in the description thanks and seeyou next time bye

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