Chris H up you guys it’s Chris andwelcome back toperiod what’s up you let’s try thisagain H up you guys it’s Chris andwelcome back to a brand new going toceoh my God

hell you guys it’s Chris andwelcome back to a brand new YouTubevideo and in today’s video I’m here witha disgusting not so very special guestnamed I’m not sure about there what’s upy’all it’s thB don’t play with me I already knew youwere going to do that I’m about to goput my scarf on keep playing with me yougive me my phone anyways we’re here withs and today we’re going to be taking therice purity test period period tell themwith the rity tested I’ve never taken itdon’t know how to use Google first ofall don’t be disrespectful towards thePoo you’re beating on a black womanyou’re not a woman you’re far from thatyou can wear however much crochet youwant but you will never be woman anywayso we’re taking the rice purity test andthe rice purity test basically shows youhow pure you are it’s a test and it’slike you answer literally 100 questionsthey’re just yes or no questions youjust check the box if you did it checkdon’t check the box if you didn’t do itand at the end of the test you’ll begiven ascore e and the higher your score themore innocent you are the lower yourscore the more freaky you are I guessthe more youve done so if you want tosee us answer these questions and getsome real tea and ins on what we reallyhave going on behind the scenes keepwatching this video period although Idon’t be doing nothing I’m get a a okaythe back of the Chuck B jle saysomething else let’s get into it um weknow you going to fail this Tas why youthink that you’re going to fail cuz wejust looked through your phone on myYouTube channel we just looked throughmy phone on my we look through Chris’sphone on my YouTube channel and that[ __ ] is far from Pure and if you wantto watch my YouTube If you want to seewhat the [ __ ] this [ __ ] got on herphone tune in to my YouTube channel noshade cuz she not pure she not pure noShadee you’re not pure either baby andI’m about to go through yours after thisyeah we not doing that video girl no shdon’t play with me yes we are get comeon like come on come on sled all rightso question number one have you everheld hands romantically yes no you’venever had hands romantically m- why areyou lying I’m not you’re not never likeno that’s corny to me like I’m not goingto you never just held someone’s hand notouchy I been want to use my phone andstuff like really okay been on a date noyou been on a date how you held hands ofsomeone how you not held hands butyou’ve been on a date girl you can go ona date without like man like we just goon a cool I almost I almost went on adate one time but like so why youholding hands with somebody romanticallyyall not on a date where were you itwasn’t the same person boo but I’msaying where were you at what do youmean like where were you holding yeahwhere were you in the school hallwaygirl middle school [ __ ] don’t count itwas eighth grade and it was very much uncheck that box count girl un check thatbox girl excuse me um been in arelationship no dance without leavingroom for Jesus yes um I’m not a dancerso you never shook on someone like theycaught it and like no okay no I haven’tyeah kiss a non family member yes kiss anon family member on the lips where elsewould I be kissing them I don’t like onthe cheek oh okay okay french kissed yesyes french kissed in public no yes itwas at the club girl like that’s exceptthe the club the gay club oh where elsethe straight club no I just wanted toyou know decid the effect that you okaykissed on the neck yes have I kissed onthe neck like or have I been kissed onthe neck both well I don’t kiss peopleon the neck I’ve been kissed on the neckokay kisshorizontally yes wait what’shorizontally like when laying on yourside oh I oh yeah given or receive thehickey my black ass can’t get hickeysyou never given one though cuz you knowyou like from white man no they bruisereal easily I don’t kiss people nextandu no okay you’re being weird cuz B Ican make you bruise easily too you can’ttouch me kissed or been kissed on thebreast yesyes you don’t have titties bro yourbreast is this and you don’t havetitties either yes I do girl who don’t Ido girl I got double D let me go get himwhere my other titty I don’t know wheremy other titty I don’t know did youstole my other titty I threw it at youwhy would you do that it’s cold but it’sokay I’ve been kiss on itbefore kiss someone below the belt yesyes oh what you said yes I know L growngirl girl you lost yours when you weremy age so no I did not you literallysaid that in the video right kids formore than 2 hoursconsecutivelyyes two you don’t get bored like whichis only no kissing is my favorite thingI I would never get bored of kissing twohours yes kissing is literally waybetter kissing is better than anythingelse yeah know I’m not going to besitting there for two hours in it yeahknow girl play the game involvingstripping no yes seen or been seen byanother person in a sensual context yesyes yes girl you know I love my RORose yeah put it onmy umokay what else am I going like done yeswe see what you’ll be doing to girl yesmake sure y’all tun in to my goingthrough Chris’s phone video y’all this[ __ ] weird this [ __ ] freaky no I’m not[Music]okay no did you check thebox wait what ewbro while someone else is in the roomwho’s in the room my friend I was at asleepover and I was like oh that’strifling that’s triflin oh that’striflin you did it at it was my house itwas my room and he wasn’t supposed tosleep over bro and like he was he gottoo drunk and so he just ended upsleeping on my floor but it was like onthe other side of my room and I was likegirl so like he was sleep and I was justlike girl that’s TR this my damn room Ijust check my beencaught nono with an in no I have you have yeahwho caught you girl what was reallycaught I was on the phone I didn’trealize I was on the phone they couldhear you well not me they heard thevideo and they were like and I was likeup OMG I had my MacBook cuz like I wasjust like I just had it open like and Iforgot like cuz we on Face Time Foreverand I just you know like when you’reface time for so long you just forget soI’m like okay and I wasn’t on like Iwasn’t using my computer so it was justsitting on my desk and like hello St[ __ ] and I close it so fast an animateobject like a fake butt or like a roseoh of course I have not seen or readmaterial yes I love the Twitter Starsokay I be tuned in massaged or Bmassaged sensually yes yes gone throughthe motions of intercourse while fullydressed yes yes undressed or beenundressed by MPS remember so what do youprefer I prefer men we know you do toono I don’t I’m B seexual with girlshowered with the MPS yes you showerwith someone yes you did why is it so Idon’t know you just don’t want to givethat what do you mean like you don’tgive the would shower with someone itwas really in h moment I would do haveto do it again though see fondled or hadyour butt cheets fondled of course yes Ilove playing withM fondled or had your breast fondled[Music]yesy fondled or hadyour yes I love when play withmy you don’t have one of those I do askask who next question oh okay yeah askwho nothing nobody yeah okay I’m notmouth no mouth it I’ll leave it you notI willwho who nobody okay I’m not going to bemessy I’m not the you know that was yourbest bed I’m not the messy type you knowthat was your best bed not messy whenyou look a mess so you might as well bethe messy type number 30 had or givenblue balls yes yes I gave it to Younghad an or no I’m just kidding yeah youliterally said no then you check the boxyes sent a sexually explicit text orinstant message yes like a text likewhat do you mean yeah like just beenlike oh let me suck your like yeah likethat type of text or we talking about ohokay sent or received sexually explicitphotographs no why are you lying I’venever sent a new it says sent or receiveoh I’ve received them yes girl but neversent you’re lying I’m not y’all notgoing to catch me La I never since a newwell I have but they weren’t me theywere fake okay they were some fake newsI found on Discord and they look exactlyyou want to see they look just like meno let me show you no let me show youthey really do look like me like girl Iwas like wait like this te and if everlike if that pictures ever come out likeoh [ __ ] you got leaks girl that’s notme let me show you don’t just look justlike me don’t that look like me yes seebut that’s not me cuz you see like [ __ ]I actually have fingernails I’m not oneto [ __ ] with like no fingernails andthen like [ __ ] I don’t have that phoneslipped out which um oh yeah and that’snot my background too the backgroundlook a little ghetto but this look likeme like I’ve using this all the timeengage in activity over video chat likephone s yeah no cheated on did you pressyou pressed it what the hell what do yoube doing cheated on a significant otherduring a relationship yes I’m justkidding no cuz I’ve never been in arelationship purchase contraceptives yesgirl we cannot be getting pregnant outhere why you laughing cuz you’re not adamn woman I am gab oralyes girl yes what what Su say I sucklike a champion when he put thepark other way what she holdon anyway number 38 received or yes yesgirl 39 you did too you just pressed yeswas that not what you meant like I’mmight suck yeah I done both oh but itwas like on accident okay like I didn’tknow he was going to do that oh so youdated a botom no I did not date him hewas well he he was a botom you no hewasn’t a botom he went for that he the Bingested someone else’s secretion oh noyes what may you say I ain’t no spitswallow that se number 40 use a toy witha partner yes no are you serious yes Ilove my R I never play OMG spent thenight with The NPS yes Ben walked in allwhile engaging in a no no kicked aroommate out to commit a sex act yes yeswhat was his friend’s roommate I mean itwas his roommate ingested alcohol in anon-religious context yes I be off thatD Julio wait is that offensive I be offthat D Julio acting a fulio um when Iwas like little I drink like my dad’sbeer one time girl don’t even play adrinking game no number 46 been drunk nofix sobriety to parents or teachers nono add sever memory loss due to alcoholyes I remember one time I was in Mexicoand I threw up in aplant nono yes no but I’ve never smoked it I’veonly took an edible but I didn’t know itwas edible that was being big that’s whyy’all don’t eat people[Music]stuff no[Music]no no really what do you think I’ve doneoh you friends with a lot of whitepeople I know white people like that[ __ ] hello been sent to the office of aprincipal Dean or judicial aarsrepresentative for disciplinaryinfraction yes what like vinent to theprincipal for doing something bad yeahlike thatyeah been put on disciplinary probationor suspended yes what you well notprobation I just got a warning urinatedin public yes yes everyone pees at thepublic bathrooms y gone skinny dippingyes gone streaking no Cena stripper yesI love see stri especially there oneright here had the police CAU on you yesyes what they call on you for what theycall on you for um I was in the airportand I was irritated she called thepolice what they call on you for runfrom the police yes had the policequestion you yes had the police handcuffyou no been arrested no been committedof a crime yes what I missed a court dayand like I like went what was the courtday for my speeding ticket and it waslike [ __ ] don’t count but it was like 40over 40 over yeah so it was a felonywhat were you driving how fast are yougoing I think like 80 and a 40 80 and a40 or like 70 and a 30 one of those andthey were like since it’s like more thanlike literally double they were likeyou’re going to have to I didn’t qualifyfor defensive driving and so now I havea lawyer and the court date for myliteral speeding ticket in the beginningof Summer isn’t until next year so be betuned for um the court Vlog so I getready with me that’ll be soon beingconvicted of a felony yes committed anact of vandalism yes no I did used tolike draw on the walls at school thebathroom of course had intercourse noyou literally checked it had seualintercourse three or more times in onenight oh no number 69 but you never saidyes for the last question um oh you saidyes oh okay I’m leaving that blank cuzthere’s a question mark no it means haveyou ever 69ine oh you didn’t know thatoh noyes how course 10 or more times well Ithink intercourse is this so okay no hasin four more positions no yes hasrainterourse with a stranger or person youmet within 24 hours no yes hasinterourse in a motor vehicle yes yes ohoh wait was it your car oh like thisyeah no has intercourse Outdoorsno had it inpublic no no had had it in a swimmingpool or hot tub no had it in a bed notbelonging to you or your partner oh nolike Hotel see yeah hotel or somethingyeah but actually you know that’s stillmy bad [ __ ] I paid for it so yeah it’smy bad how it while you or yourpartner’s parents were in the same homeno had it with a non-participating thirdparty in the same room no join the Mhigh club no I wish participated youwant to be put on a no fly list I’msaying like without getting caught ohparticipated in a booty call with thepartner whom you were not in arelationship with like say no girl okaytraveled 100 or more miles for theprimary purpose of intercourse no no hadintercourse with a partner with a threeor more year age difference yes no hadintercourse with a virgin no had itwithout a condom no yes had a STi testdue to Reasonable Suspicion yes yes ohyou talking about why did I get a testgirl cuz I just good to get test it’sgoing to be healthy I’m period you didthe blood test yeah had a STI no I’mjustkidding never girl I can show you mymyart results right now girl they allgoing to come back negative had athreeome no attended an org no had twoor more distinct act distinct acts ofintercourse with two or more peoplewithin 24 hours too much words I don’tunderstand I’m not answering that haveyou someone two different people in thesame day never like you know what thenbut like I did like give him that throwlike oh my God e intercourse with fiveor more Partners no in one time or no ohjust in general yes oh yeah beenphotographed or film during intercourseby yourself or others unfortunately yesI period yes bro I knew you were goingto say yes you’re lit you don’t bleedlike girl no you don’t had anal sexthat’s the only type you can have that’sthe only type you can have coach bro hada pregnancy scare bro one too many timesbro one too many times impregnatedsomeone or been impregnated yes girl butI went right to the clinic paid or beenpaid for no no yes oh you did oh oh I’mjust kidding no you’re not I’m justkidding I’m literally stop don’t piss meoff I’m just kidding committed an act ofvoyerism I don’t know what that meansit’s whenever you watch someone elselike do that oh likeno like right in front of your face ohthe F no committed an act ofincest no an Engagedbeastiality all right we have officiallyanswered all 100 questions let’s goahead and calculate our final scoresokay mine’s not bad what’s yours okayhold on three two one oh we got the samescore hey okay okay we see y we both gotscore 44 44 Queens all right well thatis it for today’s video um we both got44 so I guess we’re like both on thelike halfway there I guess like um nolike we both we both like really likepure yeah I think we’re pretty much purebecause I took it with Will Morgan andAiden and they got like lower than thatyeah yeah just will though also if youguys haven’t already make sure that youare liking commenting andsubscribing period and yeah if you guyswant more videos from us make sure youguys comment down below cuz we have alot of other content coming out for youguys really really soon and we will seeyou guys nexttime bye you got
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