Best YouTube to MP3 Converter (2025)

Best YouTube to MP3 Converter (2025)

In this video, I show you Best YouTube to MP3 Converter in 2025. The quick and easy tutorial free youtube to mp3 converter free download software. Do you want to know step by step how to use youtube to mp3 converter in 2025? Yes? Great!

Best YouTube to MP3 Converter (2025)

hey guys welcome back to Tony’s out inthis video I’ll be showing you bestYouTube to MP3 converter but before westart hurry up and check out the selfriches under this video so let’s getstarted this case how do we convert fromour YouTube video into an MP3 well it’sactually pretty simple and we’ll beusing a very specific tool here so thefirst thing you want to do is you wantto open up any browser you want to go toGoogle here and you want to type in VLCMedia this case open up the VLC mediaplayer website here you should see theofficial download and from here let’sjust wait for it to load up and let’s goand click on download VLC now it shouldgive you or start the download processitself so in this case just wait for itto download and once the download iscomplete we need to run the XFL as youcan see right now it’s downloading nowonce it’s actually complete let’s goAhad open it up so this might take awhile let’s go open up a new folder hereand from here let’s go and open up theVLC XA let’s go and click on yes here ifit requires any further permission andfrom here what we need to do is we nowneed to select the language just go andclick on English here click on okay andfrom here what we need to do is we nowneed to click on next for the mediaplayer click on next again and you wantto go ahead and install the plugins ifnecessary this case I want to keep thisone just click on next and from here youcan choose your location where you wantto install it let’s go and click oninstall and from here let’s just waitfor it to fully complete now what beforeit’s actually completed what we need todo is we need to open up our YouTubeaccount to download our YouTube videothis case let’s go ahead and go toYouTube here and let’s go to the topright of your screen here and you wantto go ahead and click on YouTubestudio now in YouTube Studio you want togo to content and under content you wantto download the video itself sotypically you have the treed opt iconhere at next to the video itself goahead and click on it and just click onthe download optionnow once the video is downloaded we’renow ready to basically start convertingit let’s go and click on finish here torun VLC here and from here let’s go andclick on continue and we now have VLCmedia player now how do we start usingit so at the top left you should be ableto see a media section let’s go aheadand click on it now from here what weneed to do is we need to choose theoption says convert slave let’s go andclick on it now from here let’s go andclick on the add button that you see atthe center here and you want to choosethe video that we just recentlydownloaded let’s go and go to downloadshere choose the video so we have an FTre here let’s go and click on open nowonce you uh actually added in here let’sgo and click on the drop- down buttonthat you see here next to convert slavenow once you’ve done that we need tochooseconvert now in here what we need to dois we now need to choose the source sosource is by default uh added in here soyou don’t have to worry about that butin this case we need to choose ourprofile so in this case we need tochoose audiodmp3 now we need to choose thedestination file here let’s go and clickon browse and maybe I want to basicallyadd it into our download same folder soin this case we want to go ahead andchange the file extension itself so bydefault it’s going to be MP4 but Irecommend you to change this to MP3 soyou need to do this manually in thiscase let’s go and click on Save here andFrom Here let go and click on start andthat should start the conversion processas you can see there’s a bar here butonce the is complete your video shouldnow be ready or in this case your audiois now ready as you can see right now soyou can start playing this if you wantand that’s about it so if you found thisvideo helpful hit the like and subcribebutton and watch our next video

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